We are committed to employing a diverse workforce throughout the world and to providing all employees with opportunities to reach their growth potential and contribute to the progress of the industry we serve. Our inclusive culture fosters teamwork and innovation to help our people, business, and communities thrive. Our diversity programs are a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
House Spring Technologies Ltd. Seattle HQ Office
Our culture is about providing everyone who works here with opportunities to exercise their responsibility, integrity, and creativity while growing themselves, their careers, and our business. At HouseSpring, we put our ideas to work. We make things that matter, things that make our life better and our planet healthier.
To be a world-leading environmental technological company committed to the health of our global environment.
Highest quality and exceptional service.
HouseSpring is a leading environmental technology company committed to the health of our global environment. As a member company of the EEP Group of Companies, HouseSpring manufactures innovative technology that will provide home owners with safe and clean water while being environmentally aware. In North America, Asia, and Europe, HouseSpring water systems purify millions of liters of drinking water every year.
Based in Seattle, WA of USA, HouseSpring is proud to be invited into your home. Our company goal is to design, develop, and market high quality water filtration systems at an affordable price and provide exceptional customer support.
HouseSpring's core competencies include the design, assembly, and manufacturing of high-end reverse osmosis systems, water filtration systems, water treatment and purification systems. We stand behind every product we sell and we offer the highest quality water treatment systems on the market.